Blog Post No. 1- An Invitation to Crystals and Reiki

An Invitation
Everything on this planet and in our lives, was put here for us to grow and learn from- in order to be our best selves, to be our highest selves, our happiest, most content and kindest version of ourselves and I have learned from experience, you are in the driver’s seat to make this happen. It is your own self effort that will bear fruit. Fortunately, it is a beneficent universe, and most of us receive help along the way if we are open to it. Maybe a friend is a guardian angel or maybe you have been blessed to have a mentor, a teacher or a guru. Maybe you stumbled upon a teaching that turned your head around. Or maybe you take comfort from prayer. For many of us, living thru these turbulent times, we are forced to look for comfort and understanding to help us along the way. Whatever you feel a spark of understanding and recognition from- that is your opening invitation for guidance. Whatever resonates with you to connect with your deepest place of knowing, this is the calling. It's unique to all of us, but ultimately, it leads us all to the same place.
My Aha Moment with Crystals:
For me, crystals where not always my teacher. My first introduction came from my meditation teacher who instructed me to clear and recharge my precious mala beads on a clear quartz cluster. Then a few years later I stumbled on an article about the power of clear quartz and it include a lot of science. These facts I still remember and call upon today. And once I was open to the possibility that crystals might actually possess some attributes other than beauty, all sorts of kismet and “strange coincidence” things started to happen and continue to happen today.
Just pick 3 crystals and read about them- its uncanny how the ones you are attracted to seem to always be the ones you need. It’s as if the crystals picked you….!
I am here as a coach, the crystals are the guides. I have learned and experienced their language and attributes and I like to share that with others. I have apprenticed with crystal guides and I am also in a multi-year formal study course. My 20 plus years of journeying with yoga, spirituality and mediation also informs me. I also include scientific research so its an east/west approach that is grounded in reality. These ancient crystals from the womb of mother earth, can offer a guiding light to those who are open to receive it.
Please e-mail me at with any crystal inquiries. I offer free crystal consultation with any purchase.
With Love and Gratitude,