I offer free crystal consultation to help with any purchase. Please e-mail me at Donna@LaughingLotusBoutique.com  with any crystal inquiries. 

 I am here as a coach and the crystals are the guides. I have learned and experienced the language and attributes of crystals, and it's my heart's joy to share this with you.  As a 200 RYT teacher of The Yoga of Energy Flow, a Reiki Master, and long-time meditator under the guidance of Guru Chidvilasananda, I feel a calling to give back, especially in these turbulent times. I have also apprenticed with many crystal healers and am currently participating in a multi-year formal study course. I include scientific research in my practice so its very much an east/west approach that is grounded in reality. These ancient crystals can offer a guiding light to those who are open to receive it.